Leadership & Team-Spirit

are learnable

Leadership & Team-Spirit

are learnable

Well known from
Führungskräfte & Business Coaching

Coaching of leaders

Today’s employees do not only work for companies, but are also looking for a revolutionary and exciting vision to which they are willing to contribute their own skills. Is your leadership culture ready for its high potentials? Is your leadership culture ready to benefit from a leadership & business coaching session with Eva Klein?

Leadership development:
Success follows joy.

High potentials and the New Work Economy require a working environment that allows them to freely develop their talents. Does this automatically mean that companies do not have an organigrams and are free of hierarchies or performance requirements? Definitely not.

Regardless of the current management trends, employees have different motivations and characters, and they are confronted with a wide range of demands in their respective fields of work.

Leadership means leading yourself and the ability to acquire or develop, as well as recognising and providing what the other person needs in order to develop his/her potential.

Employees come because of the company. If they leave, it is because of their direct supervisors.

Are you ready for your revolution and the evolution of your employees?

People do not do what we tell them to do, but what we role model for them.

As a leader, you are not only in the spotlight with your product. Your work ethic and human values also have an impact on employees and colleagues. A radical revolution means that we look at the roots of the symptoms that slow down or even prevent the success of your business – whether as a start-up, in a corporate group, medium-sized company or your medical practice – in order to find solutions that increase your market value as an employer and client.

How to keep them hungry for passion and success:

Take care of your staff first.
The rest will follow.

sir richard branson

Team development

Different employees have different needs. A football player at Bayern München has different needs than one at Manchester United. None are better or worse – both want success. But on different terms. Do you know your team?

Growing a group of professionals into a functioning team.

A successful team should be as diverse as possible. But how do you succeed in benefiting from the skills and talents of each individual and integrate the different characters harmoniously? Those who want to achieve performance quickly underestimate the importance of the prior phases for a successful team for the long term. I focus less on individual workshops and more on long-lasting training and personalised, targeted coaching – digitally and on site.


Conflict means friction -
and this is also a form of contact.

External coaching is a fantastic solution, especially when conflicts, rigid perspectives and strong positions make it difficult to work together. And when there is a tense atmosphere and low productivity instead of team spirit and togetherness. Also when different cultures, attitudes and global opinions need to cooperate with each other (cultural diversity).

Team building prevents misunderstandings and optimises processes at an early stage. A fast, and successful conflict management as well as an understanding of individual motivations are essential to create understanding and a productive working atmosphere.

Replacing individual employees or even the whole team would not only be cost-intensive, but would also deprive everyone involved of the opportunity for personal growth.

When you work with me, growth is pre-programmed. Both personal growth and that of your company.

To practice the process of conflict resolution, we must completely abandon the goal of getting people to do what we want.

marshall rosenberg
Client Success Stories

Are you ready for your own personal revolution?

The best way to predict the future is to create it

abraham lincoln